Fairness, Accountability, Integrity:
Your Trusted Choice for Tax Collector!
All Videos are located on the "Facts To Know" page
​No organization in Indian River County will host a debate for the Tax Collector's race.
The Tax Collector's race is an OPEN PRIMARY! This means ALL political party affiliations get to vote, which will be decided on August 20!
You will want to hear what I have to share that is not common knowledge
to the public, that is costing us a fortune!
It will make you want to VOTE BRENDA BRADLEY!

Brenda Bradley
2024 IRC Tax Collector Candidate

Leadership With Integrity
I believe in guiding and inspiring others with a steadfast commitment to honesty, and ethical principles.

Accountable to you
I am committed to ensuring responsibility, transparency, and trustworthiness in every interaction with my team and community.

Leads with a Servant's Heart
I prioritize the needs and well-being of others and demonstrate a commitment to serving and supporting my team and community.

Lives By Service Above Self
I believe in placing the well-being of my team and community before my personal interests, fostering a meaningful and impactful connection.
As Your Next Tax Collector
My #1 Priorities Will Be:
The Tax Collector's Office must be committed to transparency in their operations. To achieve this, the following measures will be implemented when I become your Tax Collector:
The purpose and details of all travel the Tax Collector undertakes will be posted on the website quarterly.
The office's annual budget, any budget, and the amendment's purpose will be posted on the website.
Salaries and positions will be posted on the website and updated annually.
An Office calendar will be maintained and posted on the website.
There will be a clear separation of funds and management between Kids Tag Art (501 (c) 3) and the Tax Collector's office. The Kids Tag Art program will not be run as a 501(c)3.
The website will post the purpose of any trip to TALLAHASSEE and the required accomplishments.
Immediate reduction in wasteful spending.
Elimination of promotional advertising worth $50k+ and replace with FREE information outlets such as PSA's, website, and Facebook.
No Taxpayer money will be spent on club/association lunches and memberships.
Public Record Requests to be easily accessible and completed promptly within 24-48 hours.
Annual reviews and merit-based increases for each employee.
Management salaries should be in line with responsibilities.
Cross-training at all levels. Under no circumstances will expensive “independent contractors” be hired or retired employees with high salaries return as “independent contractors" because of a failure to train staff.
Sensitivity training will be required for all current and future employees. Kindness and respect toward others are also essential.
The State of Florida DOES NOT require you to make your checks payable to the elected individual; no other county does this (it is a branding tactic)! Your checks will be made payable to: Indian River County Tax Collector.
Employee retention will be a top priority.
Employees will be valued and respected.
Politics will not have any place in the office.
Personal name "branding " will stop immediately.
Positions will be filled based on experience.
Promotions will be merit-based and given based on the ability to do the job.
A QUALIFIED HR Professional will be hired and available to staff. The incumbent has not had a qualified HR PRofessional on staff in the 15 years she has been in office. This would explain a discrimination lawsuit by an ex-employee settled out of court for an undisclosed amount.
A Succession plan will be put in place.
Sound management will create an environment where employees enjoy what they are doing, are confident in their daily job performance, and eliminate managerial practices that create fear and intimidation.
No employee will receive "free time" - only sick, vacation, or donated time from another employee will be allowed.
There will be an immediate halt to the surveillance of employees and customers by cameras. Cameras will only be used for what they are intended for office security.

"Please vote for Brenda Bradley for Tax Collector. Brenda has the financial and operational background to do the job. She will bring integrity and responsibility to the job. Brenda has shown strong moral and ethical principles. I have worked with Brenda on many charitable events where she has shown leadership and the ability to work compatibly with all members of the committees. Brenda would treat her staff with respect and congeniality. She is a tireless worker with a big heart. Vote Brenda Bradley for Tax Collector!"
- Linda Teetz
“"I have known Brenda Bradley first as the Chief of Staff of the IR County Tax Collector's office and as a passionate volunteer in Indian River County. As a retired bureau chief for Florida USA Today, I spent nearly 20 years writing investigative stories and editorials on Florida politicians. Brenda is not a smooth-talking politician that takes credit for the success of others; Brenda is the real deal. She is the better qualified candidate with a better temperament and management style that is greatly needed in our local tax collector's office. As a banker experienced in financial audits, I am convinced she will be much more frugal and accountable in managing expenses in this office.
I fully support BRENDA BRADLEY for Indian River County Tax Collector without hesitation."
- Connie Bishop
"Having worked with Brenda Bradley for the past six years, I’ve witnessed firsthand her attention to detail, work ethic, and professionalism as a businesswoman. Not only does she work full-time as the Administrator at an Imaging facility, but she also volunteers her time in multiple non-profit organizations and various events throughout the community. She is the most selfless person I have ever met. She’s exceptionally kind-hearted and strives to help others around her succeed. With Brenda’s fourteen years of experience at the Tax Office and her passion for this community, she is the perfect candidate for the job. Please vote for Brenda Bradley as our next Tax Collector for Indian River County."
-Adriana Ramos