Get Involved
Here is an opportunity to do something that will
impact our community!
Help Brenda make a difference.
There are many ways to volunteer;
from walking door to door, to hosting a fundraising event.
Here are ways you can help...
Please step up and volunteer to host a "Meet & Greet" for your neighbors or even those outside of your neighborhood. We want as many people as possible to meet Brenda, so they are encouraged to VOTE BRENDA BRADLEY!
It's really all about getting to know her name and what her platform is all about. The Primary Election is August 20, so time is of the essence!
Your gathering can be as large or as small as you would like. Brenda is willing to go anywhere, anytime. And, if you know Brenda (and Chuck), you know they will help in any way to make your gathering a success and your guests feel welcome!
Please call or text Brenda at (772) 538-3450 for more information!
Campaigns are successful because of committed volunteers. These are every day folks in our community like you and I, who want to see a change in our local elected offices.
Volunteers are needed in any capacity, from door knocking, sign holding, voter calling, fundraising and just plain support for the candidate!
Brenda would love to have you on her VOTE BRENDA BRADLEY team and to be a part of this amazing journey she has been on since January 4, 2018!
We want you at the finish line to celebrate with us! Please join VOTE BRENDA BRADLEY'S team today!
If you would like to volunteer in any capacity, please contact Brenda at:
Campaigns need donations to win and no donation is too small! You can also become a sponsor for ads, signs,
t-shirts, hats or bumper stickers!
Your can be a sponsor for a fundraising event, by sponsoring; food, beverage or entertainment!
The maximum donation is $1,000 per individual in a household or business.